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Q: Where did most blacks live in the US after slavery ended?
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Which was the most common form of writing for blacks during slavery time?


When did slavery in the north end?

Slavery ended in 1865, in all north America, but it most likely ended in 1700's for north.

What happened to racism after slavery?

For the most part racism remained the same or as some historians will note, they believed it increased. In the North, as an example, most people there did not like slavery. When slavery was ended some people in the North, expressed more racism as now more freed Blacks had migrated to the North. All types of ways to keep freed slaves below the social and political level of whites were used to deny Blacks jobs and the right to vote.

What is racial slavery?

Racial slavery is the process of enslaving a group of people based on the race that they belong to. One of the most familiar and widespread forms of racial slavery was the slavery of blacks in the U.S.

What was John Wilkes Booths opinion of blacks?

He was a southerner so most likely he felt they belonged in slavery.

Why did most non slaveholders support slavery?

because they hated blacks like most southerners still do today.. end of story.

How did white conservatives maintain control over blacks after reconstruction ended?

Before the Civil War, most slaves were born into slavery because the importation of slaves was made illegal. As a result, most of the freed slaves did not know how to live as free people. After Reconstruction, whites were able to maintain control over blacks by keeping them in poverty and by keeping them segregated. They were kept in poverty when their former masters would give them land to farm, known as sharecropping, while paying them very little to do this. Also, when blacks and whites were segregated, the quality of whatever was given to the blacks was usually unequal to the quality of what was given to the whites, for example education and jobs.

Did slavery end after the civil war?

Yes, slavery did ended but most slaves had no where to go, so they continue work on the plantations, only being paid with food.

What were the 2 most important results of the civil war?

The country was reunited and slavery ended.

When did slavery in most of Latin America?

Slavery in most of Latin America ended in the mid to late 19th century, with countries such as Brazil abolishing slavery in 1888. Some countries had already abolished slavery earlier, such as Mexico in 1829.

Why did most northerners come to believe that slavery was dangerous because of what it did to whites as opposed to blacks?

Most northerners believed that slavery was dangerous for whites because it degraded their moral character and social fabric, leading to a society based on exploitation and oppression. This understanding was influenced by abolitionist movements and a growing sense of moral outrage against the institution of slavery.