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Most of the citizens would attend soup kitchens, or receive bread from bread lines. They would try to get free food through programs that were created from the Neal Deal in order to try and enhance the economy and refrain the citizens from starving. If they were not able to do this, then most likely they would starve or get help from family.

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Q: Where did many citizens go to eat when thay could not afford food during in great depression?
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Why was there an overproduction of consumer goods during the Great Depression?

People could afford to buy as many goods during the depression, and thus there was a much lower demand in relation to the supply of goods that was provided. This led to an overproduction of goods--too many were produced in relation to the amount that was demanded.

What did Roosevelt's fireside chats do for citizens during the Great Depression?

FDR's "fireside chats" were set in an informal living room manner and he explained to the American people (over the radio) what he was trying to accomplish and what he expected of them. Millions listened to his chats and became more trustful of the President and the government. The chats exploited FDR's charisma and his self confidence that the depression could be defeated. Or They explained things to citizens.

What time period did dry farming take place?

The time period that Dry Farming started in was a little after 1862 and ended somewhat during the Great Depression because no one could afford the high prices of grain. I hope this helped.

What were Hoovervillers during the Great Depression?

Hoovervilles were shanty towns that people were forced to live in because they could not afford any proper accomodation during the Great Depression. They were named after President Hoover who was President of the US at the beginning of the Great Depression. Hoover was replaced by Franklin D Roosevelt because he was regarded as a 'do nothing President' meaning he did not put proper measures in place to help the USA out of the Great Depression.

Did the great depression effect the fashion in the 1930s?

Yes, the people could no longer afford the more expensive clothing so they went for and more simpler and affordable look.

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How far did the depression make work more difficult for the league?

The economic depression of 1929 was one of the reasons the League of Nations was unsuccessful. Countries such as Britain and France were more worried about their own affairs than they were internationally. During the depression countries got considerably poorer. They simply could not afford to help the League solve problems, with their military because they could not afford the materials such as bullets and rifles. The Depression was the main reason Hitler came to power. During the depression people started to look elsewhere for someone that could run their country sufficiently.

Why was there an overproduction of consumer goods during the Great Depression?

People could afford to buy as many goods during the depression, and thus there was a much lower demand in relation to the supply of goods that was provided. This led to an overproduction of goods--too many were produced in relation to the amount that was demanded.

What types of shows is were shown in the depression?

There were no television shows because there were no tv sets. People who could afford a ticket went to movie theaters to watch extravagant musicals that were often about people making it big during the depression, or about the lives of rich people.

What types of citizens living in Pompeii could afford indoor plumbing?

The one's with all the money.

What would the American people have done differently to avoid the depression?

It is unclear what Americans could have done to avoid the Great Depression. The hard times during this time period were little fault of American citizens, but of the government. The only thing in retrospect they could have done was elect a different president.

What were the hoovervilles Great Depression?

Hoovervilles were shanty towns that people were forced to live in because they could not afford any proper accomodation during the Great Depression. They were named after President Hoover who was President of the US at the beginning of the Great Depression. Hoover was replaced by Franklin D Roosevelt because he was regarded as a 'do nothing President' meaning he did not put proper measures in place to help the USA out of the Great Depression.

What did Roosevelt's fireside chats do for citizens during the Great Depression?

FDR's "fireside chats" were set in an informal living room manner and he explained to the American people (over the radio) what he was trying to accomplish and what he expected of them. Millions listened to his chats and became more trustful of the President and the government. The chats exploited FDR's charisma and his self confidence that the depression could be defeated. Or They explained things to citizens.

What During the Great Depression what did Roosevelt's fireside chats do for citizens?

FDR's "fireside chats" were set in an informal living room manner and he explained to the American people (over the radio) what he was trying to accomplish and what he expected of them. Millions listened to his chats and became more trustful of the President and the government. The chats exploited FDR's charisma and his self confidence that the depression could be defeated. Or They explained things to citizens.

What type of foods could you buy during the great depression?


What time period did dry farming take place?

The time period that Dry Farming started in was a little after 1862 and ended somewhat during the Great Depression because no one could afford the high prices of grain. I hope this helped.

Who watches the ancient games?

The local citizens of Elis, and those males who could afford the cost and effort to get there form the rest of the Greek world.

How could people pay for their houses during the great depression?

by raising money