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Q: Where did immigration take place?
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When people move from one place to another what is it called?

The term is migration, more specifically "emigration" from a place and "Immigration" to a place.

Where can a person find an immigration lawyer?

AILA is the American Immigration Lawyers Association. It would be a very good place to start a search for an immigration lawyer as it has m=names of lawyers who practice in this field. AILA is the American Immigration Lawyers Association. It would be a very good place to start a search for an immigration lawyer as it has m=names of lawyers who practice in this field.

Define the terms immigration in your own words?

The definition of Immigration is people coming to live in a foreign country.

When is the comprehensive immigration reform going to implement?

It was in the news that it should be effective by the Fall 2009? Do you think it will really take place as promised?

What place did the mass immigration of 1951 occur?

places the mass immigration of 1951 occoured were Canada and Arizona

How does culture spread from one place to another place?

culture passes from place to another through military activities, marketing, and Immigration

The movement of people into an area is called?

Migration is when people migrate, or move from place to place. When they move into a certain area, it may also be called immigration.

Is immigration the same as emigration?

Immigration means coming in. Emigration means going out. When you emigrate from one place, you immigrate to another.

Is immigrant same as immigration?

Immigration means coming in. Emigration means going out. When you emigrate from one place, you immigrate to another.

Is it true that immigration is the number of individuals in a specific area?

No. Immigration is people leaving one place to go to another country.

When people move to one place to another what is it called?

The term is migration, more specifically "emigration" from a place and "Immigration" to a place.

When people move from one place to another is called?

The term is migration, more specifically "emigration" from a place and "Immigration" to a place.