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Guy Fawkes place 36 barrels

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Q: Where did guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliament?
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Who tried to burn down houses of parliament?

Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the houses of parliment on the fifth of november.

Why I was Guy Fawkes a prisoner at the tower of London?

Because he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

Why was Guy Fawkes a prisoner at the Tower of London?

Because he tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament.

What did Guy Fawkes set on fire?

He tried the blow up the Houses of Parliament in London but he did not succeed.

What Year guy folks tried to blow up houses of Parliament?

Guy Fawkes attempted the Gunpowder Plot in 1605

What did Guy Fawkes do in the Gun Powder Plot?

He tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament but was caught and burned at the stake.

What are facts about the life of Guy Fawkes?

he tried to blow up houses of parliament by sneaking in lots of gun powder

Which building did guy Fawkes attempt to blow up?

The Houses of Parliament

Why do you do guy Fawkes?

Because he tried to blow up parliament and the king

What did Guy Fawkes do?

COCAINE. ALso, he and a group of friends tried to blow up the UK Houses of Parliament in 1605 but he got caught and that is why we have bonfire night and burn a guy on the bonfire!

When did Guy Fawkes attempted to blow up the Houses of Parliament?

November 5th 1605

When did Guy Fawkes try to blow up the Tower of London?

Guy Fawkes tried to blow up the Houses of Parliament (where Parliament sits) and not the Tower of London (which is a castle and prison at the other end of London) on November 5th 1605. They were hoping to kill many of the Protestant nobility in the house of Lords but was exposed when one of the gang warned a Catholic peer to stay away.