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Q: Where did gandhi launch Satyagraha?
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By whom was the term Satyagraha coined and Where?

Gandhi coined the term satyagraha in south africa

What actors and actresses appeared in Satyagraha - 1983?

The cast of Satyagraha - 1983 includes: Helmut Danninger as Gandhi III Leo Goeke as Gandhi I Ralf Harster as Gandhi II

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Who led salt satyagraha with gandhi?

sarojini naidu

When did Mohandas Gandhi organize Satyagraha Movement in Ahemadabad?

Mahatma Gandhi isn't real.

What did gandhi mean whenhe said satyagraha is active resistance?

When Gandhi said that satyagraha is and active resistance he meant that this was war without any violence. This one of the most influential movements hat Gandhi was involved in.

From where did Mohandas Gandhi started his satyagraha?

Gandhi started his recruiting campaign for the war on behalf of the British government in Khera, Nangal, in India.

What did Gandhi became famous for?

Mahatma Gandhi became famous for his principle of non violence or satyagraha.

Where did Gandhi participate in Satyagraha Andolan?

South Africa in 1942

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In what year did gandhi first bring up the concept of satyagraha?