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They went all the way up north to Canada. Also crossing Union lines and making a living for themselves within the Union. People also suggested that a Black regiment was put in place in the Army.

Secondly, the vast majority of Southern slaves remained in the South. This was true even after the end of the US Civil War. Blacks suffered many indignities in the North.

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16y ago

some slaves found themselves with nowhere to go or live, so they continued to work with their masters.

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wherw did freed African Americans go after slavery ended

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Some African Americans were married to Americans and have a peaceful family

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After the Civil war, most African Americans became very low paid servants, and were still very poorly treated.

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Where did African Americans go after slavery Ended?

wherw did freed African Americans go after slavery ended

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Officially September 22nd 1862 but really whenever the Union troops came and freed them

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This Amendment Freed African Americans and gave them some civil rights. This Amendment Freed African Americans and gave them some civil rights. This Amendment Freed African Americans and gave them some civil rights.

What did the abolinist'want?

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