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Q: Where did christopher Columbus's move to?
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Who is columbuss dad?

Christopher Columbus' dad was Dominico Colombo

What happened n christopher columbuss early life?

he ate pie like there was no tomorrow

Was Christopher columbuss child Magellan the explorer?

Christopher Columbus's child Magellan was not the real explorer he was just the good son of an explorer.

What was christopher columbuss real name?

The name Christopher Columbus is the Anglicisation of the Latin Christophorus Columbus. His name in Italian is Cristoforo Colombo and in Spanish it is Cristóbal Colón.

When was Christopher columbuss firs expedition?

1451 was the first expedition christopher Columbus made

Who was columbuss wife?

His wife was Dona Felipa.

What was christopher columbuss goals?

To find a quick route to Asia, but he landed in North America instead, but thought it was India. Columbus didn't like the Native Americans that lived on the land, so he took them as slaves, killed them,and sexually assaulted them.

Looking for only spices he discovered a bonanza of forests rivers animals and minerals instead?

He found rich biodiversity in the forests, abundance of rivers teaming with aquatic life, diverse animals inhabiting the land, and valuable minerals in the region.

Where did christopher Columbus move when he was a young kid?

he was born in Italy and then move to Spain.

What was columbuss goals?

To get spices from the West Indies.

What best describes columbuss purpose for writing?

Christopher Columbus wrote to document his explorations and discoveries in the New World, seeking to inform others about his experiences and establish his claims for future expeditions and funding. His writings also aimed to promote the expansion of European territories and spread Christianity to indigenous populations.

What do i need to move from England to America if you were back in the days when christopher columbis was traveling?

A sailing ship.