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Chocolate was native to the Americas and existed as far back as the Aztec civilization. Chocolate was originally served as a liquid that was bitter.

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Q: Where did chocolet come from?
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What is chocolet made of?

its madeout of bettles

How do you spell chocolet?

The correct spelling is chocolate (made from cocoa beans).

What are all the flavors of condoms?

cherry, blueberry, rasberry, chocolet, banana, grape,

How do you express first love?

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chocolet chip goat. Luv Alexis + Mib Lopez

Whear those German chocolet cake origin?

German Chocolate Cake originated in Germany.

Does chocolet come from cholet cows?

Yes it really does you put the chocolate on the cows tongue and then shake the cows hoof, then WA la you have chocolate utters!? no i am just kidding don't you ever read the ingredients it says artificial flavoring and coloring.

What is the bug in chocolate?

Yes, if the chocolet is realy old tiny worms worms can get in chocolet.

What must you not feed hamsters?

chocolet, and any caffeine prodcts if you give them something from the table or any human food fruit and carrotts are good

Is there a toothpaste that is not mint flavor?

Guess what unlesss you can invent one no, Sorry but i like mint mint tastes nice like mint chocolet peeenngg xxx

Do the Jonas brothers like chocolet?

for one thing who doesnt like chocolate that's not alergic to it so most likely yes they do btw u spelled chocolate wrong.

What is Louis Tomlinson's favorite kind of cake?

Probably "Watermelon Sugar" Cake....