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When Marie Antoinette came to France, she first met her future husband (Louis XVI) and his family in the Bois de Bologne, a forest nearby Paris.

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Q: Where did Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI arrive in Paris once they met?
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When did Louis XVI move to Paris?

Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were moved to the Palace of Tuileries in 1791.

What was the name of the castle that Marie Antoinette was filmed at?

The movie Marie Antoinette was filmed at the Versailles palace located in Versailles, France, which is about 12 miles outside of Paris. This is the actual palace that Marie Antoinette and Louis XVI stayed in during their reign. It was built during the reign of Louis XIV.

Where were King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette caught after fleeing Paris?

In a peasants hut eating cake

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King Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were the last King and Queen of France if that helps

Who was the Prince of France when Louis XVI and Marie Antoinette were King and Queen?

Louis Charles, Prince Royal of France who died in a Paris prison.

Who was killed by the guillotine?

lots of people such as Marie Antionette and King Louis XVI

Queen Marie Antoinette and king Louis xv1 where was there palace?

Their palace is the Chateau de Versailles in a suburb of Paris, called Versailles.

What is the name of the last queen of Versailles?

Marie-Antoinette, the wife of Louis XVI. Later French Queens in the 19th century resided in Paris.

Why did the people want Louis the XVI and Marie Antoinette to go to Paris?

The French people wanted them to observe the problems that they were having with simple survival.

How was Marie Antoinette's transportation to the guillotine different from her husband's?

The King was taken to the guillotine in a carriage, but Marie Antoinette was driven through Paris in an open cart.

Location of execution of louis XVI and Marie Antoinette?

They were executed on Place de la Revolution, now called Place de la Concorde in Paris.

What citys of France did Marie Antoinette stay?

in vsailles, paris, varennes