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Henry Knox went to fort Ticonderoga for weapons and had a long 300 mile journey back to Boston

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Q: Where did Henry Knox find cannons?
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And his men volunteered to bring the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston?

Henry Knox is responsible for bringing cannons from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston. This occurred during the capture of Fort Ticonderoga.

Book store owner who took cannons from ticonderoga to Boston?

Henry Knox

Who and his men volunteered to bring the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston.?

cononel henry knox

Where did the Americans capture guns and cannons witch later drove the British from Boston in 1776?

Henry Knox arrived with fort cannons from Ticonderoga.

Who helped break the deadlock at Boston by bringing in artillery and from where did he bring the artillery?

Colonal Henry Knox , He retrieved the captured a British cannons from Fort Ticonderoga.

Amercicans that captured fort ticonderoga and took its cannons all the way to Boston?

Ethan Allen captured Fort Ticonderoga, and Henry Knox took the cannons to Boston.

Where did Washington go to recover British cannons?

Washington sent Henry Knox to Fort Ticonderoga to bring back the cannons that had been left there after the colonists captured the fort.

How did Henry Knox solve the problem's of George Washington's shortage of artillery?

I think he suggested to use the cannon from the captured For Ticonderoga. Washington agreed and put Knox in charge of artillery and was given the task of bringing the cannons from Ticonderoga to Boston. Using ox sleds, Knox brought fifty cannons to the city.

What leader brought cannons from Fort Ticonderoga?

It is either Isaac Davis, Thomas Gage, John Jay, or Henry Knox.

Who and their men volunteered to bring the cannons from fort ticonderoga to boston?

Henry Knox and some of the Continental Army (Northern Department)

What ended the siege of Boston?

Henry Knox brought cannons taken from Fort Ticonderoga to Boston, and the British evacuated after the colonists fired a few shots at them.

Why was Henry Knox important?

Henry Knox (July 25,1750- December 31,1806) played a very important role in the Siege of Boston, a important battle in the opening phase of the Revolutionary War. Knox had extensive knowledge about all kinds military weapons and after meeting George Washington in 1775 quickly became commander of the Continental Regiment of Artillery. As the Siege on Boston began Knox suggested to Washington that cannons recently captured at Fort Ticonderoga be transported to Boston to give the Americans the advantage. Washington liked the idea and put the Knox in charge of the expedition. Together Henry Knox and his men completed a 300 mile journey, dragging over 60 tons of cannons and mortars over mountains, rivers and through forests. When they arrived back at Boston the American army put up hundreds of barricades and positioned the cannons during the night. In the morning, the English army was completely overwhelmed by the sight of the surrounding American army, and soon retreated out of Boston by ship. If Henry Knox had not retrieved the cannons from Fort Ticonderoga that very important battle way have been lost.