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Harriet Tubman traveled from South Carolina (I believe) to Pennsylvania. She then went back and forth from Pennsylvania to other southern slave states to save slaves.

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She live in pool

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Q: Where did Harriett Tubman?
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How old was Harriett Tubman when she died?

Harriett Tubman was 92 when she died

Did Harriett Tubman have a knife?

She did not have a knife! Get it!

Where did Harriett Tubman die?

Harriet Tubman died from pneumonia in 1913 in a nursing home

Who hid slaves when slavery happend?

Harriett Tubman.

What did harriett tubman do during the civil war?

She escaped

Who worked for the underground rail road?

Harriett tubman

Where is Harriett Tubman buried?

Harriet Tubman is buried at Fort Hill Cemetery in Auburn, New York.

What did Harriett Tubman believe to be important?

she belived the underground railroad

Where did harriett Tubman work to free slaves?

Underground railroad

Did Harriett Tubman live in Memphis TN?

No, that was a slave state when she was alive.

Did harriett Tubman use lanterns in the under ground railroad?


How did Harriet Tubman get her disibility?

Harriett Tubman got her disabilities for being so ugly. She was diagnosed with the disibility "Super Ugliness."