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In 1526 Francisco Pizarro and Almago sail for Peru and in 1531 began the conquest of the Incas.

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because he is dum

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Q: Where did Francisco Pizarro go on his first voyage?
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What happened on Francisco Pizarro's first voyage?

I do not now so go away

Who did De Soto go with on his first voyage?

Francisco Pizarro and some priests and warriors.

When did Francisco Pizarro go on his voyage?

Francisco Pizarro joined Vasco Núñez de Balboa in his march to the "South Sea," during which Balboa discovered the Pacific Ocean. In 1532, Pizarro and his brothers conquered Peru. Three years later, Pizarro founded the nation's new capital, Lima.

Where did Francisco Pizarro go?


Where did Francisco Pizarro go when he went sailing?

Francisco Pizarro sailed to Panama and subsequently traveled overland to Peru.

Where did Francisco Pizarro go in his exploration?


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What nicknames does Francisco Pizarro Saenz de Urtury go by?

Francisco Pizarro Saenz de Urtury goes by Cosmo Gonik.

What were the consequences for francisco Pizarro?

Pizarro founded the inca city of tumbez

Why did Francisco Pizarro go to panama?

today! dumb asses

At what age did francisco Pizarro go off to war?


How many voyages did Francisco Pizarro go on and what were they for?

2 voyages