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Q: Where did Columbus set off from?
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When did christoher Columbus set out from?

In 1492 Columbus sailed the ocean blue...

What did Columbus set out to prove?

Columbus originally was determined to prove that

What year did Columbus sail for the indies?

Christopher Columbus set sail in the year of 1492

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Christopher Columbus set out to find a quicker route to Asia in 1492.

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It is off of 48th Ave. in Columbus Ne.

When did they Columbus set trail?

August 3,1492

When did Columbus set out on his first voyage?

in 1492

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Did Christopher Columbus set sail in bc or ad?

Christopher Columbus set sail in 1492 A.D. There really isn't recorded history from 1492 B.C.

What year or years did Christopher Columbus set out on voyage?

in 1492 christopher Columbus sailed the ocean blue.

What year did columbus set sail for america?


What is the past tense of 'set off '?

"Set off" does not have a past tense. The verb of it (to set off, did set off, will set off, have set off, had set off, ect.) will change based on the tense it is in.