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Christianity originated in the city of Jerusalem in present-day Israel. The founder of Christianity, Jesus Christ, was born in the small town of Bethlehem, just a few miles southwest of Jerusalem. He was raised in the town of Nazareth in the region of Galilee, about one hundred miles north of Jerusalem. However, prophecy demanded that the Messiah come to Jerusalem, riding on a donkey, on a colt, the foal of a donkey" (Zechariah 9:9). The New Testament records Jesus riding into Jerusalem and only a few days later being crucified there. Two days later, on the third day, Jesus was raised from the dead. Jesus told his apostles to wait in Jerusalem for the sending of the Holy Spirit. Forty-nine days after his resurrection, on the Day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit fell on the apostles as Peter preached the first public gospel sermon. All this is recorded in Acts chapter two. From its birth, with three thousand baptisms of the first day, the church rapidly grew in Jerusalem, later spreading to Judea, Samaria and Galilee in the following few years. Once the first non-Jews were baptized (Acts 10) the church rapidly spread outside what were traditionally Jewish lands into all the Roman Empire and beyond during the next three or four centuries.

A question arises, which is can we know from sources outside the New Testament whether the accounts in the New Testament are accurate history. This is a broad question, but the general consensus of historians is that the broad background of the history described above is accurate. Both the Jewish historian Josephus (late first century), as well as the avowed religious Jews who wrote the Talmud (second through fourth centuries) agreed that Jesus was a real person who did indeed die in Jerusalem. All the evidence we have points toward the fact that the earliest preaching of the gospel of Jesus Christ included the central teaching of his resurrection in Jerusalem. Therefore, it can be stated with confidence that the Church of Jesus Christ (Christianity) began in Jerusalem.
In the area now known as Israel/Palestine.

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Christianity started in the city of Bethlehem when a small child called Jesus Christ was born.

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Q: Where did Christianity originated?
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Where was Christianity originated?

it was originated in judea (present day israel)

How and why Islam came in Arab?

Arabian peninsula is the place where all major religions of the world originated including Judaism , Christianity and Islam .

Which helped the spread of both Roman Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity?

The Roman Empire helped the spread of Catholicism and Orthodox Christianity. Christianity was preached around the eastern part of the Roman Empire by the apostles and other missionaries. Churches developed and the Patriarchates of Antioch, Alexandria and, later, Constantinople were established. The main kind of Christianity which developed in the eastern part of the Roman Empire was called Greek or Eastern Christianity. Later it came to be called Orthodox Christianity. Catholicism was initially called Latin or Western Christianity and became the main for of Christianity in the western part of the Roman Empire. It originated from theologists in Roman Tunisia and soon reached italy. Although Christianity was persecuted by the Romans for a period of time, mainstream Christianity (Greek and Latin Christianity) was made the sole legitimate religion of the empire by the Edict of Thessalonica issued in 380 by the co-emperors Theodosius I and Gratian. The purpose of the edict was to ban dissident Christian doctrines, which were branded as heretic and persecuted. The main target was Arian Christianity, which was popular around the empire.

How many followers were there for Christianity when it originated?

It originated on Pentecost 33 C.E. (A.D.), so there were about 120 disciples, that included the twelve apostles of Jesus. Jesus had many people who followed him, not just disciples. On Pentecost, 3000 more were added to the church from all walks of life.

What three religions originated from southwest Asia and share the belief in the same god?

Judaism, Christianity, and Islam. However, a number of Christians doubt whether or not the Islamic definition of God allows for an acceptance of the Christian definition of God.

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Where was Christianity originated?

it was originated in judea (present day israel)

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the religon that originated in the roman empire is Christianity

Where was Christianity born?

Christianity originated in Judea, which is in modern day Israel.

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Sikhism originated in 15th century AD, Christianity originated in 2000 BC. Therefore, Sikhism came about 1500 years after Christianity.

What area of the world did Christianity originated?

Christianity began in Jerusalem, the nation of Israel, in the Middle East.

Where did christinity originated?

Judaism is where Christianity had originated from. The Religions as far as god start from the Jewish, then to Christianity, which branches to Catholicism which then branches to all kinds of Christian faiths. But, to answer the question bluntly, it started with Judaism.

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Christianity was introduced by Spanish settlers when they arrived in Jamaica in1509. Christianity originated in different forms or versions over several centuries.

Is there a link between Christianity and Islam?

Both Islam and Christianity originated out of Judaism.

Where is the place of Christianity?

Christians worship in churches. Christianity spread throught the world with the help of the Roman Empire, but It originated with Jesus in Isreal.