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no where i don't think.... not without parents concent but at 12 u shouldn't worry about marriage and he should know better!

AnswerThis is not a good thing. If a 30 year old person cannot and will not find a person of their own age something is wrong. Why would a 12 year old want to get married. They have so much they need to do and see before that happens. I hope the authorities get involved because this is rocking the cradle a bit too much....

In Afghanistan I think, I'm not sure if I'm up to date.

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16y ago

Well maybe a 12 year old girl could get married if you went back in time a few decades ago, yup that would do it...Why would a CHILD want to get married at 12 years old and what parent would allow that!? I don't even know why a child would think of marriage at such an age. Shouldn't you be playing with Barbies and such, and if you think about marriage so much, why dont you just make Barbie marry Ken instead? You're not even a teen, live life, enjoy your childhood while it lasts and explore the many choices and paths life gives you. *Sorry for the jerk-ish reply in the first paragraph, but really, before you ask a question like that, think about where you really want to take your life.GOD BLESS!!!

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13y ago

Certainly not. There are a very few places that might let a 15 year old get married, but it typically requires a court order. And any sexual contact with someone under the age of 13 would be a Federal offense.

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