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There is a Ben Franklin store still open in Hawaii currently. Most of these five and dimes have long since closed.

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Q: Where are the still open Benjamin Franklin stores located?
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Are there any Benjamin Franklin stores still open?

yes there is

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Was Benjamin Franklin a drunk?

Maybe... but even if he was he still made our lives a lot easier

When did Benjamin Franklin go to church?

If you are referring to Franklin's time spent in Philadelphia where I used to live, he worshipped at Christ Episcopal Church where Society Hill is located. He attended the same parish as George Washington did and Betsey Ross! You can still attend services at Christ Episcopal and see which pew Franklin sat. In the graveyard, lies George Washington. I am not sure if Benjamin Franklin is buried there or not.

What did Benjamin Franklin accoplish in the whit house?

The White House did not exist in Franklin's time. When Franklin died in 1790, the seat of the national government was still in Philadelphia. Besides that, Franklin was never president.

Is Benjamin Franklin stove used today?

yes,people now call it the Franklin stove it uses less gas

If Benjamin Franklin was still alive why would you need his services?

I would hire him to teach me common sense.

Is Benjamin Franklin's invention of the bifocals still being used today?

Yes, many people have bifocals.

Is Benjamin Franklin still alive?

No, Benjiman Franklin died Spril 17, 1790. His cause of death was pleurisy.

Was Benjamin Franklin Jewish?

Benjamin Franklin was never Jewish. As a Matter of fact, he was raised as a Christian. Even though, he constantly referred to himself as a person of reason, he often admitted the fact the he still loyal to Puritan teachings he once raised to.

Who was president when Benjamin Franklin was born?

Nobody. The United States did not come into existence until 1776 and Franklin was born in 1706. When Ben Franklin was born, there was no President. America was still a collection of British colonies.

Is Benjamin Franklin's children still alive?

No, Benjamin Franklin died approximately 220 years ago, so none of his children could still be living. One son became the governor of New Jersery and died in 1813. One daughter died in 1808 after raising 8 children of her own.