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Q: Where are deciduos woodlands found?
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Are pine trees found in the woodlands?

Yes, pine trees can be found in the woodlands.

Would a kangaroo be found in woodlands?

Yes. Many species of kangaroos can be found in open woodlands in Australia.

Are temperate deciduos forest found close to the equator?

i cant belive know one answered this quyestion

What plants are found in the eastern woodlands?

i dont

What ecosystem is a woodpeccker found?

Canada/ Woodlands

Do frogs live in the deciduos forests?

Yes, Red-Eyed Tree Frogs live mainly in deciduos forests.

Where is the honeyeater found?

it is found the woodlands and forests and when endangered it can be found next to river or in swamps

Can a platypus be found in Woodlands Texas and where?

No: a platypus cannot be found in Woodlands Texas. Platypuses are native to eastern Austalia. They are not found anywhere else in the world, and as of 2014, there are no platypuses in zoos outside of Australia.

Which books are well known for featuring stories about the woodlands?

There are many books that are well known for featuring stories about the woodlands. This includes The Woodlands and Texas. There are many other books that can be found in the library.

Is tulip tree coniferous or deciduos?


What biome does the gyrfalcon live in?

the BIOME is deciduos

Is pine deciduos?

No, a pine is not deciduous it is an evergreen.