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Q: Where are coming from in immigrants Central America?
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5 million immigrants

Who formed the largest group of immigrants to Mexico?

Central America makes up the largest group of immigrants coming to Mexico. People from Panama, Costa Rica, Guatemala, and Honduras all come to Mexico.Ê

Where from do immigrants coming in the year 2000?

Latin america

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How did nativists feel about immigrants coming to America?

they felt happy

Which statement is falseThe largest number of immigrants to America before 1860 came from Central and Southeastern Europe?

The largest number of immigrants to America before 1860 came from Central and Southeastern Europe.

How did pre civil war immigrants differ from those who entered America between 1880 and 1920?

Pre-Civil War immigrants were mostly from the British Isles. After the war, many immigrant began coming from Western and Central Europe.

Is the Statue of Liberty a religious icon?

No it is a sign of the immigrants coming to America

What ocean did Polish immigrants cross when coming to America?

The Atlantic Ocean.

What was done to Asian immigrants from coming to America?

They were treated badly at Angel Island.

How are the colonists reason for coming to America similar to those to today immigrants?

The colonists' reasons for coming to America is similar to those of today's immigrants because colonists' came to America for gold and riches.They also came to America because the wanted a better life.Like in today's life time,people come for a better life and good How_are_the_colonists'_reasons_for_coming_to_America_similar_to_those_of_today's_immigrants, to feed their children.This is how colonists' reasons for coming to America are similar to those of today's immigrants.