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Q: Where are Indians large empires and why are they located there?
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Which ancient societies were empires?

The Sumers, Egyptians, Kushites, Akkadians, Babylonians, Assyrians Httites, Egyptians, Indians, and Chinese had empires

Where are Indians located?

The Indians are located in India

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Middle ground refers to the land between the British and French empires. It was located between the Mississippi and Ohio river, and was home to many different tribes of Indians.

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Both empires grew too large to protect.

What is the policy of creating large empires?

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They weren't strong enough to conquer any empires or form an empire.

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The problem that all four empires had after the fall of summer was that it was difficult for one person to control such a large area.

Why were the mongols able to build large empires?

Because they conquered most of China.