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They where stoped multiple times

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Q: Where North Korea troops were stopped by UN forces?
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Which country sent hundreds of thousands of troops to fight alongside North Korea forces in the Korean War?


Who sent troops to North Korea?

China sent troops to help North Korea. The UN states

US response to the invasion of South Korea?

The US sent troops into Korea from Japanese military bases where US troops were stationed to help South Korea resist the North Korean invasion . The intervention of Chinese troops widened the war .

Who sent troops to help North Korea?

China sent troops to help North Korea. The UN states

What aspect of the Korean War indicates that it was a part of the Cold War as well as a civil war?

Many of the troops who supported North Korea were Chinese, while many of the troops who fought for South Korea were American.

Which country did US fight in the Korean war?

North Korea. Also, the American troops spent a lot of time fighting the Chinese since China sent in troops to support North Korea, just as the U.S. sent in troops to support South Korea.

Which nation accepted the surrender of the Japanese troops located north of the 38th paralle in Korea following world war 2?

North of the 38th, the Soviet Union accepted the surrender of Japanese forces, leading to the creation of a Communist North Korea.

What helped contain North Korean forces in their dramatic attack on the Republic of Korea?

The attack by forces from North Korea in 1950, sent the troops of the Republic of Korea (South Korea) reeling in retreat. In a short time the United Nations declared that this act of war would be met with forces military forces of the many members of the UN. One factor that helped contain, or even cause a retreat of North Korean forces was an ingenious flanking attack headed by US General MacArthur. In 1950 MacArthur decided to launch a flanking attack on the North Korean troops at Inchon. This was on the western coast of the Korean peninsula well behind North Koren lines. UN forces under MacArthur's command consisted of warships, air attacks and an amphibian landing at Inchon.

Who are the army's that were in the Korean war?

The Soviet Union occupied the North and the United States had the South. North Korea became a communist nation. And South Korea became a democratic nation. In 1950, North Korean troops invaded South Korea. The United Nations sent troops from the United States to help defend South Korea. Chinese troops joined North Korea.

Who sent the troops to help north Korea?

During the Korean war, China sent troops to help North Korea. The Soviet Union (Russia) also helped.

What was the northernmost Korean city UN troops had reached by November 1950?

By November 1950, UN troops had reached the city of Chosan (now called Hyesan) in North Korea, which is located near the China-North Korea border. This marked the northernmost point that the UN forces had reached during the Korean War.

Did North Korea attack South Korea in the Korean war?

On June 25, 1950, military forces of North Korea attacked the Republic of Korea (South Korea). It was a surprise attack and initially had great success. A flanking move by UN forces under US General MacArthur, landed troops in Inchon behind enemy lines. This forced a North Korean retreat, however, with the help of the Peoples Republic of China the war continued.