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The average bullet fired into the air will go to an average height of 3,000 meters. It is indeed possible for a bullet fired in this manner to strike & kill when returning to land. In fact, we had one happen here in central Florida on new years eve.

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Q: When you see armed people firing off rounds into the air in celebration how high would the bullets go and when falling back down would they be able to kill someone and have there been any instances?
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How many times did someone attempt to kill Queen Victoria in her reign as queen from 1837?

At least twice but from a guy who shoved his gun full of gun powder rather than bullets

Is there cache of narratives and or bullet comments for us army awards?

Here are a few bullets. Most of them are Iraq related. As for the others, look to the general theme of a soldier who volunteered for something she wasn't required to do, a soldier who created a product, did something, or mentored someone that in doing so made your job easier.

What does John Cabot have to do with the Northwest Passage?

something or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heardsomething or someone heard

Can you serve jail time for falling asleep behind the wheel and killing someone in a car crash?

Depending on a few things such as if you did stop to rest and still fell asleep I think it would be an accident, but if you knew you were tired and continued to drive then you could be very liable. You could be charged with manslaughter and serve jail time.

In genealogy terms what do you call a relative by marriage?

A relative is someone who shares a common ancestor with you. A relative by marriage is someone who does not share an ancestor with you but has married someone who does. In the most common instances of this relationship, the words "in Law" are added to the description of the relative. For example, a Brother in law is someone who is married to your sister, or is the brother of your wife. The word being looked for is "Affine" Kinsman or Kinswoman

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There are many instances where someone has faced humility in life. Falling in front of a large crown may be considered embarrassing for people, as well as messing up a speech, in front of people.

What does reload mean?

It means when someone in the army or who owns a gun has run out of bullets in his magazine (thing that holds the bullets) and has to replace the empty magazine with one that is full of bullets

Bullets take how long to kill someone?

about 13 days

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The brain will know if you like someone or not. Your instances tells your brain.

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I wish.

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Get out or stop.

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yes she might still love you if she was falling for someone else exspecially if you were her first love....most loves are hard to forget about even if your falling for someone else.

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You want to be in love with someone, or you are falling in love now.

How do you know if you are falling for someone?

You think about him/her alotYou talk to him/her or about him/her a lot

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Meeting you was destiny. Becoming friends with you was choice. But falling in love with you... I had no control over.