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Throuht he whole prrocess

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Q: When would a cotton gin be necessary in this process?
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What is the purpose of a cotton gin?

The cotton gin removes the seeds from the cotton. This is a more difficult and slower process when done by hand, without the use of a cotton gin.

Should you capitalize cotton gin?

You would not capitalize it. cotton gin

Why were inventions like the cotton gin successful?

it takes out the seeds from the cotton The way they used to do it before the cotton gin was pick them out with their hands and cotton is a prickly plant so they would bleed, the cotton gin saved time and blood

How did the cotton gin change the cotton-cleaning process?

The process was way much easier and faster.

What was the importance of the cotton grin?

The cotton gin made slavery more profitable. The cotton gin made the process of separating the seeds from cotton fifty times faster.

What was the advantages of the cotton gin?

It sped up the process of separating the seeds from the cotton.

How did Eli whitney's cotton gin change in the south?

the cotton gin was able to process A LOT more cotton, thus more slaves were needed to grow more cotton.

Why were cotton gin factories near lakes?

The cotton gin factories were near lakes because they were crucial to power the cotton gin machines or they would not work.

What is the use of cotton gin?

The cotton gin inventeed by Eli Whitney was invented to mechanize the slow and tedious process of separating the cotton seed from the actual cotton which at the time was done by hand.

What was eil whinteny famous?

He invented the cotton gin, (which has nothing to do with the alcoholic drink 'gin', by the way), which removed seeds from cotton plants very fast. Before the cotton gin was invented, seeds had to be removed from cotton by hand, a very slow process. The cotton gin made cotton a valuable product to grow and sell.

Was the importance of the Cotton gin?

it made the process of separating seeds from cotton faster-NovaNet

What is deseeding of cotton balls called?

A cotton gin separates cotton fibres from their seeds, and the process is known as ginning.