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Q: When were the soviet satellite states formed?
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Soviet Union and its satellite nations

What were the seven East European Soviet satellite countries?

All were communist states. Also Eastern Germany.

What is a satellite country?

A satellite state is one who's government is heavily influenced or controlled by another country.In the Soviet Union, the satellite states included Albania, Bulgaria, Czechoslovak Socialist Republic, German Democratic Republic (in what is now eastern Germany), Poland, Romania, and Hungary. Yugoslavia was also considered to be a Soviet satellite state, though it broke away from the Soviet Union in 1948. Albania was the same, breaking from the Soviet Union in 1960.

What did the Soviet Union launch in 1957?

When the Soviet Union entered the Space Race with the United States, they launched their first satellite called the Sputnik 1 in 1957.

Is the Warsaw pact not supported by the US?

Quite the opposite. The Warsaw Pact was an agreement among the Soviet Union and 7 of the Soviet satellite states during the Cold War.

Why did the United States object to the Soviet Union controlling Poland Czechoslovakia Hungary Romania and Bulgaria as satellite states?

Any serious objections from US.

What was the significance of satellite nations?

The purposes of the satellite nations was to provide natural resources and services to the Soviet Union. The satellite nations were nations that were under the Soviet Union.

First man made satellite?

The first man-made satellite was Sputnik 1, launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. It marked the beginning of the space age and triggered the space race between the Soviet Union and the United States.

Where are the satellite nations?

The Satellite nations were the nations supported by the soviet Union.

What were satellite nations?

The Soviet Satellite Nations were: East Germany, Czech, Poland, Soviet Union, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania. The Soviet Satellite Nations were: East Germany, Czech, Poland, Soviet Union, Hungary, Romania, Yugoslavia, Bulgaria and Albania.

What was the relationship between the Soviet Union and the nations referred to as satellite states?

They were countries under the control of the Soviet Union. They had governments, but had little real control over what happened. Most of them were in close proximity to Russia and not able to fight off the control.

What country dominated the satellite nations?

The Soviet Union created Satellite Nations.