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Q: When were the most significant accomplishments made in achieving racial equality?
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Which idea did the NAACP promote?

achieving racial equality for African Americans. ~c

How did the NAACP reflect Du Bois's view on achieving racial equality?


How did the NAACP reflect Du Bois view on achieving racial equality?

We dont know

What brought about the creation of the NAACP?

For the advancement of colored people. Hence, the name. Basically, to assist racial minorities in achieving social equality.

Have African Americans achieved equality?

America has grown as a nation concerning achieving racial equality in the aspect that many races have been able to achieve a substantial amount of success.

What was the solution to web dubois?

W.E.B. Du Bois believed in racial equality and advocated for social and political rights for African Americans. He was a co-founder of the NAACP and believed in education and political activism as tools for achieving racial equality. Du Bois strongly criticized Booker T. Washington for his accommodationist approach to racial issues.

When was Commission for Racial Equality created?

Commission for Racial Equality was created in 1976.

What organization was founded by pacifists in 1942 to fight racism through peaceful confrontation?

The Congress of Racial Equality (CORE) was founded in 1942 as the Committee of Racial Equality

Is racial equality just a political motive for votes?

No. "Racial Equality" is a philosophical ideal, one which promotes the concept that all human beings, regards of genetic background, should be considered equal in the eyes of the law (and other humans).These days, "racial equality" as a philosophy is subscribed to (i.e. believed) by the vast majority of Americans. That said, there is significant debate about the practical matters of how racial equality is to be handled, and the government's role in helping bring about the reality of the ideal. As such, particular positions on the implementation of racial equality by a politician are often (perhaps usually) an attempt to garner votes.

Congress of Racial Equality?

an organization founded by James Leonard Farmer in 1942 to work for racial equality

What makes Jackie Robinson significant?

The baseball player Jackie Robinson and the owner of the Brooklyn Dodgers, who brought him to the major leagues were significant as it was a step towards racial equality in the USA.

Who promotes racial equality?
