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between 1949 and 1973.

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Q: When was the white policy officially Abolished?
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When was the White Australia policy abolished?

It was abolished in 1973 yerpp.. abolished in 1973.. since then non-European migrants had arrive to the country by a large number...

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The medicare policy, abolishment of conscription, forign policy, abolished uni fees, abolished white Australian policy, and encouraged decentralisation...

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Literacy tests were abolished officially in 1965.

Slavery in America was abolished by?

The 13th Amendment officially abolished slavery.

What is the recently abolished policy of racial segregation and discrimination adopted by past white-ruled South African governments?

This policy was known as apartheid.

When did the 'Welsh not' end?

The 'Welsh Not' policy, which suppressed the use of the Welsh language in schools, ended in the late 19th century. It was officially abolished in 1867, but its effects continued to be felt for many years afterwards.

What date was slavery abolished in America?

1865 officially in the united states

What is forbidden in the 13th amendment?

The 13th amendment officially abolished slavery from the U.S.

When did slavery become abolished?

Slavery was officially abolished in the United States on December 6, 1865, with the ratification of the 13th Amendment to the Constitution, which abolished slavery and involuntary servitude.

When was slavery abolished in Argentina?

Slavery was officially abolished in Argentina in 1813. The passage of the Argentine Constitution in 1853 further solidified the abolition of slavery in the country.

The slave trade was abolished when?

Parliament passed the Slavery Abolition Act in 1833.

In which year did people stop caning?

Caning as a method of corporal punishment was officially abolished in Singapore in 2015.