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Q: When was the total number of Americans killed in Korean conflict?
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What was the total number Americans killed in the Korean conflict?

over 33,000 from 1950 to 1953

What was the total number of American killed in the Korean conflict?

This question is a bit unclear. If you are referring to the Korean war, 36,516 Americans were killed in that war. If you are referring to World War II, 418.500 Americans were killed in that war.

How many Indians were killed in the old west?

Not many, when you compare that number to the number of Native- Americans killed.

By 2008 how many Americans died in Afghanistan?

The total number killed in Afghanistan is 513, the total number killed in Iraq is 4,154.

What is the number of Americans killed by guns in 2009?

Zero. Guns, being inanimate objects, lack the ability to kill anyone by themselves.The number of Americans killed with guns in 2009 is not yet available on the CDC website.

What was the biggest number of American solders killed?

The biggest number of American soldiers killed was during the American civil war. more Americans were killed then then in every other war combined.

What is the approximate number of dogs used in the Korean War?

According to my research, the Americans used almost 50,000 dogs of war.

How many people were killed in the battle of Guilford courthouse?

At the Battle of Guilford Courthouse, 93 British were killed and 79 Americans were killed, for a total of 172 deaths. Although the British won the battle they had 413 wounded on top of the number killed, and therefore was a victory that hurt them more than the Americans.

Is there a listing of Jewish soldiers killed in Iraq and Afghanistan?

that's ridiculous there have been many Jewish soldiers who have died fighting there were no Jewish soldiers killed in that war. Need to know the Number of Jewish soldiers killed in Vietnam, Korean War, and Iraq.

Are the Korean War and the Cold War the same?

No. The cold war was a longer-term conflict than the Korean War. The Cold War refers to long-term conflict and competition between the United States and the Soviet Union. While the two superpowers did not typically engage in direct battles, there were a number of wars/armed conflicts where the two superpowers supported opposing sides. The Korean War is an example of one such conflict, where the Soviet Union supported North Korea and the United States supported South Korea.

How many Americans are kill annually?

In 2012, it is estimated that over 33,000 Americans were killed inÊcar crashes. This number is down from over 50,000 in the late 1960s and 1970s.

How many Americans were killed in France during World War 2?

None. US Cemetaries in Europe are soverien AmericanTerritory.