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Q: When was the pieriod when us and soviet union threatens each other with nuclear war?
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Why does President Truman authorize work on the Hydrogen bomb?

The Soviet Union was working on nuclear weapons and a weapons race begun. They were terrified of each other.

What is proliferation of nuclear weapons?

Proliferation of nuclear weapons refers to the spread of nuclear weapons amongst different countries. First the U.S. had a nuclear bomb; then the Soviet Union had a nuclear bomb, followed by other countries such as the United Kingdom, France, China, India, and so on.

In the 1960s both and the US had nuclear warheads ready to fire upon each other at any moment?

the soviet union

In the 1960s both and the US had nuclear warheads ready to fire upon each other at any moment.?

the Soviet Union

What other international body other than the UN condemned the Soviet Union's placement of nuclear missiles in Cuba?

Organization of American States (OAS)

What if the Soviet Union invaded the US?

Both countries had nuclear weapons. If either one invaded the other, they would have nuked each other into oblivion. Which is why they didn't do that.

Why have nuclear weapons been used in the past?

To destroy Japan in the World war 2 and to threaten the Soviet Union and also the other countries.

A ligers threats?

There really isn't any threats except for humans which threatens really anything with its technology such as guns, knives, and other stabbing weapons. If you're asking what it threatens, then it threatens to destroy sheep, cows, and other defensless animals.

What prevented the United States and the Soviet Union from using nuclear weapons?

Both the US and the Soviet Union were well aware of the mass destruction that a nuclear war would cause. Each country would in all likely circumstances, would be destroyed along with many other nations in the world. The power of nuclear weapons were the prime reason they were never used, nor even the thought of them being used.

When did the Peoples Republic of China publicly hint that it might obtain nuclear weapons?

In a document issued in 1963, the Peoples Republic of China made it clear to the Soviet Union that it appreciated the fact that the Soviet Union had nuclear weapons. The document followed up with the statement that the USSR should not hamper efforts by other socialist nations from increasing their own military capabilities. This statement effectively says that they wished to also have a nuclear weapon.

In 1987 the US and which other country signed the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces Treaty in order to reduce the number of missiles that both countries possessed?

the Soviet Union

What were the long term effect of the cold war?

The idea of a Nuclear War between both Soviet Russia and the USA. A term called M.A.D. was developed, saying that if one nation launched its nuclear weapons, the other country will soon launch theirs shortly after, ultimately destroying the world in a nuclear war.