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Q: When was the metis Bill of Rights written?
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Why was the Bill of Rights wrote?

It was written because the colonist wanted certain rights from England and the bill of rights stated 10 of them.

What was written in the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights comprise the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

Where was bill of rights written?

in the street

Was the Constitution written before the Bill of Rights?

Yes it was. The Constitution was written and then the Bill of Rights was added as sort of a compramise between the Federalists and Anti-Federalsits. Many said that the original Constitution did not protect the people's natural rights, so the Bill of Rights was added to it.

Was the Bill of Rights written before slavery?

No, he Bill of Rights was not written before slavery. Slavery was already being practiced long before Columbus discovered the Americas.

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The difference between the Metis Bill of rights and the Manitoba Act?

the bill of rights is to let the metis have the rights of everyone else the Manitoba act created Manitoba

How did Louis riel defend the metis?

he made the Metis bill of rights with his provisional governmnet

What rights did Louis riel fight for?

Louis Riel fought for the Metis rights

What has the author Joe Sawchuk written?

Joe Sawchuk has written: 'The dynamics of native politics' 'Metis land rights in Alberta'

How did riel help the metis?

Because they were his people, he fought for their language and territory and freedom. His father was the former leader of the metis so louis took over.

Bill of rights written in a specific order?

No, the Bill of Rights was not written in a specific order. The first three are the most important.

What was the document written during the Glorious Revolution?

The English Bill of Rights

Was the Bill of Rights in medieval Latin?

No. The Bill of Rights was written in English, as was the rest of the US Constitution.

Why was the Bill of Rights wrote?

It was written because the colonist wanted certain rights from England and the bill of rights stated 10 of them.

What was written in the Bill of Rights?

The Bill of Rights comprise the first ten amendments to the Constitution of the United States.

Did Abraham Lincoln sign the bill of rights?

He did not, as the Bill of Rights was written and signed before Lincoln was born.

What was written to guarantee the basic rights of US citizens?

The Bill of Rights was written to established basic human liberty and rights.