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Q: When was the first spacecraft built?
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Launched by the Saturn 5 rocket (the largest rocket ever built), the first spacecraft to take men to the moon was the Apollo spacecraft.

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What is the first maneuverable spacecraft?

The first maneuverable spacecraft was Vostok 1, launched by the Soviet Union in April 1961. It was piloted by Yuri Gagarin, who became the first human to travel into space. The spacecraft was controlled remotely from the ground rather than by the pilot.

What was the first winged spacecraft?

The first winged spacecraft was the Space Shuttle, developed and operated by NASA. The Space Shuttle made its first orbital flight in 1981 and was used for various missions, including transporting astronauts to and from the International Space Station.

What mission was the first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon?

The first manned spacecraft to orbit the moon was Apollo 8, which launched on December 21, 1968. It was the second manned mission in the Apollo program and made ten orbits around the moon before returning safely to Earth.

When was the first unmanned spacecraft launched?

The first unmanned spacecraft, Sputnik 1, was launched by the Soviet Union on October 4, 1957. It marked the beginning of the space age and initiated the space race between the United States and the Soviet Union.

What is the name of the first spacecraft to visit Jupiter?

Galileo was the first spacecraft to visit Jupiter.

What different spacecrafts have humans built?

Humans have build a wide range of spacecraft in their voyage of space discovery, some manned and some not. A few of these include Vostok, the first manned spacecraft and the Colombia Orbiter which is considered a space plane.

Which spacecraft made the first soft landing on the moon?

The Soviet Luna 9 spacecraft made the first successful soft landing on the moon on February 3, 1966. Luna 9 transmitted the first pictures taken from the lunar surface back to Earth.

First spacecraft to hold two people?

The first spacecraft to hold two people was the Vostok 3 spacecraft, which was part of the Soviet Union's Vostok program. It was launched on August 11, 1962, with cosmonauts Andriyan Nikolayev and Pavel Popovich on board.