

Best Answer

Doug Hougen, from Flint in Michigan discovered it in 1930

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Q: When was the first electric bell discovered and who discovered it?
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What came first the telegraph or the telephone?

Telegraphy was discovered First and then Telephony was discovered much later by Alexander Graham Bell.

Who has discovered the sound speaker?

Graham Bell invented the first telephone. It was also the first speaker

Who discovered bell?

Charles Bell.

Who was the first to discovered the principle of electromagnetism?

Hans Christian Ørsted discovered the relationship of electric current to magnetism.

What was the first name for a doorbell?

The first name for a doorbell was an "electric bell." It was invented by Joseph Henry in 1831.

Who was the first discovered the bell?

Alexander Graham Bell is credited with inventing the telephone. He conducted the first successful experimental demonstration of his invention on March 10, 1876. Bell's work was crucial to the development of modern telecommunications.

Who discovered electric current?

Electric current was discovered by Alessandro Volta in 1800 when he created the first chemical battery, the voltaic pile.

What is an electric bell used for?

it is like a door bell

In an electric bell the electric current stops again and again?

The electric bell and the electric current stops over and over again because of the fluctuations in voltages.

Which metal was only discovered after the invention of the electric cell?

Aluminum is the metal that was only discovered after the invention of the electric cell. It was first extracted in 1825 using a chemical process that required electricity.

What are the parts of electric bell and its function?

A mechanical bell that uses electromagnets is called an electric bell. The parts of the electric bell are spring, hammer, gong, armature, armature rod, and electromagnet. The electric bell functions are different on account of there being different types of electric bells and different means of using them.

Was Northern Electric owned by Bell Canada?

Northern Electric was wholly owned by Bell Canada until 1973