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The Invasion of Kuwait by Iraq, on August 2nd 1990, the first actual engagement probably occured when Kuwaiti Tanks attemped to halt the invasion outside Kuwait City, from the 2nd of August through the 4th of august

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 17y ago

When Saddam invaded Kuwait, much of the international community determined that it was a destabilizing action and that his aggression, coupled with his attacks of other neighbors warranted military action to force him to stop his campaign to eventually take over the entire region. After he was pushed back, the U.N. decreed that he was not to be able to sell oil except to provide humanitarian aid to his citizens. Not only did the U.N. fail to enforce that declaration, some members of the U.N. actually made secret deals with Saddam, allowing him to continue to amass a fortune and continue weapons research. Saddam's actions resulted in the condemnation of the world community. Almost all voting members of the U.N. were in favor of military action against Saddam, except for those who were complicit in the secret deals, such as France, Germany and Russia. It should have been no surprise that the nations who were profiting from the secret deals would vote against military action to stop Saddam, yet many people cling to their naive beliefs that the U.S. was wrong to stop one of the men who were funding much of the terror campaigns against Israel and the West.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Operation Desert Shield terminated when Operation Desert Storm Commenced on Jan 15, 1991 (some sources say Jan 16, 17, or 18) and lasted into the month of Feb.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

March 19, 2003 was the advent of the war and bombing campaign of Gulf War 2.

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βˆ™ 14y ago

br2003 :) lol this is the right answer. really it is

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Q: When was the first battle in the gulf war?
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The first war with Iraq started in 1990. This war, also known as Operation Desert Storm, the Persian Gulf War, First Gulf War, Gulf War I, or the First Iraq War, started when Iraq invaded Kuwait.

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Some historians consider the Iran-Iraq War 1980-1988 to be the first Gulf War.

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The US did win the first Gulf war(1991) however the snd gulf war (2003) was a collosal failure in its result.

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Frontline - 1983 Last Battle of the Gulf War 16-1 was released on: UK: 2 January 1998 USA: 20 January 1998

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Battle of the Gulf happened in 1244.