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The English Channel was first crossed by air in 1785. The balloon trip took two hours.

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Q: When was the first balloon crossing of the English Channel?
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What year was first aerial crossing of the English channel?

July 25th, 1909

Which French man made the first crossing of the English Channel by plane in 1909?

Louis Bleriot

Who made the first successful trip across the English Channel in a hot air balloon?

The first air balloon trip across the English Channel was a joint trip by Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries nearly 30 years ago on January 7, 1985.

Who flew over the English Channel first?

Gossamer Albatross was the first man-powered aircraft to cross the English Channel on 12 June 1979. It was made of carbon fibre covered by Mylar and weighed only about 220 pounds for the Channel crossing. Invented by Paul McReady and flown by Bryan Allen.

Who piloted the first flight across English channel?

Balloon: J.P.Fr. Blanchard (07.01.1785) Aircraft: Louis Bleriot (25.07.1909)

French person was the first to fly over the English Channel?

Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries crossed the English Channel by balloon on January 7, 1785. The journey took 2.5 hours.

Who made the first sea crossing aircraft?

Frenchman Louis Bleriot was the first to fly across the English Channel, in 1909, he built the plane, too.

Who made the first successful trip across the English in a hot air balloon?

The first air balloon trip across the English Channel was a joint trip by Jean-Pierre Blanchard and John Jeffries nearly 30 years ago on January 7, 1985.

What was Louis Blériot first to do?

He was the first to cross the English Channel in an airplane. He also invented his own airplane, a 1909 Bleriot with a top speed of 15 mph, that he used for this crossing.

What body of water did Cynthia Nichols swim in?

Canadian Cindy Nicholas was the first female swimmer to complete a two-way crossing of the English Channel. She completed the feat on September 8, 1977, in 19 hours and 55 minutes.

Who was a world record for the first pacific hot air balloon crossing?

Steve Fossett holds the world record for the first solo Pacific hot air balloon crossing. He achieved this feat by flying from South Korea to Canada in 2008.

Who was the first woman to swim the english channel in 1926?

Gertrude Ederle was the first lady to cross the English channel.