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The typewriter was invented various times in the Victorian period and the 20 th century.

It was first invented by Henry Mill, in 1868.

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Q: When was the Victorian typewriter invented?
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Did a Victorian invent the typewriter?

yes, it was invented by a Victorian iventor CHRISTOPHER SHOLES.

Who invented the typewriter in the Victorian era?

The typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes, Samuel Soule, and Carlos Glidden in the Victorian era. Their prototype, developed in 1867, paved the way for the modern typewriter design that followed.

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When was a typewriter was invented?

the typewriter was invented in 1868 by christopher sholes

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A manual typewriter is the typewriter that was used before the Electric Typewriter was invented.

When first typewriter was invented?

Typewriter was first invented in 1714 , by henry mill

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What is manual typewriting?

A manual typewriter is the typewriter that was used before the Electric Typewriter was invented.

The man who invented the typewriter miles bartholomew?

Actually, the typewriter was not invented by Miles Bartholomew. The typewriter was invented by Christopher Latham Sholes in 1868, who patented the first practical and commercially successful typewriter. Miles Bartholomew is not associated with the invention of the typewriter.

Who invented the typewriter and when was it invented?

sholes, 1867

What was invented in 1874?

It was the typewriter that was invented in 1874!

Who invented the order of the alphabet on the typewriter keyboard?

Invented the typewriter in the United States utilizing the QWERTY keyboard