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Pearl Harbor was bombed on January 7, 1941. Actually, Pearl Harbor was attacked on Sunday morning, December 7, 1941.

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Q: When was the US attacked at Pearl Harbor Hawaii?
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Who attacked the US fleet in Pearl Harbor Hawaii?


Where exactly did Pearl Harbor take place?

Pearl Harbor is in Hawaii, which at the time was a US Territory. The Navy base at Pearl is still there. The main attack was against the ships and airfields on the island and several specific locations where attacked.

In world war 2 Japanese attacked US in what state did they attacked?

They attacked Pearl Harbor in Hawaii.

What US state was attacked in World War 2?

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii by the Japanese

What causesed US to be in world war 2?

Japan attacked Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

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Japan attacked us at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Which harbor a US naval base was attacked by Japanese aeroplanes on 7 December 1941?

Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, was attacked on 7th December 1941.

What state was the Japanese bombing of pearl harbor in 1941?

Japan did not bomb any US state when they attacked Pearl Harbour in Hawaii, they attacked the US Pacific fleet which was there.

Why did the US intervene in Asian pacific during world war 2?

They were attacked at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii

Why did japan feel they were entitled to Hawaii before Pearl Harbor?

They didn't feel they were entitled to the islands. They attacked Pearl Harbor to eliminate the US Battle Fleet stationed there.

How did Japan and the US end up at war?

The US was attacked by the Japanese December 7, 1941 at Pearl Harbor Hawaii.

Where was the us first attacked in world war 2?

The US was first attacked at Pearl Harbor by the Japanese.