The Great Wall, one of the wonders of the world, is in China.
built the great wall of china.
China built the Great Wall to protect their country from invaders.
The Great Wall of China was built by Chinese peasants in a time of war in an attempt to keep out the invading Mongolians.
Why was it
The great wall was built out of stone and gravel in the 5th century.
The great wall is of stone, not steel.
Great Wall of China
Usualy Brick or Stone walls are built in china.
first of all the Great Wall of China was actually not built by stone but instead built by broken Toyota s and Honda s the Chinese found in their closets during the awesome Era Of Noodles. (This was completely made up for entertainment purposes)
the bridge was built 199000,00 years ago
It is built of bricks, stone and dirt. Slabs of stone were used for the base and sides of the wall and is filled with dirt, rocks and rubble.
It was built to protect China from invading Mongolians. A lot of labor was used. Workers carried stone and put the rocks together.
It was built to protect and isolate China.
built in 214BCE
In 1401-1440 the stone bridge was built but, the flood in 1643 destroyed two central bridge spans. In 1659 the bridge was reconstructed.
Shi Huangdi built the great wall of china for protection against fierce warriors.