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Second World War, ever since then with there sucess due to intelligent training and what is still known as the hardest longest training in the world, the British S.A.S have gained a mythilogical status. they also remain the most copied regiment in the whole world,and the British S.A.S willingly help other countrys better there troops,just like they help set up and better American Delta Core back in the 60's. but the S.A.S do not teach other countrys "everything" they still remain the most secrative in the world,and are rumoured to be well more technilogicaly advanced than anyother.

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The Special Air Service or SAS was formed in July 1941 by David Stirling and originally called L Detachment as a specialist unit of the British Army during the Second World War.

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Q: When was the British SAS formed?
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Is the SAS apart of the British Army or Special Forces?

The Special Air Service is part of the British Army ; see relevant link to further information .

What does SAS stand for in modern warfare?

Special Air Service. Pretty much the British version of the marines.

What is the SAS and SBS?

Special Air Service and Special Boat Service; elite units of the British military created to fight the Axis in World War 2. The SAS is still in existence. Not sure about the SBS.

What color was the British SAS beret in World War 2?

coveted sand color. In fact, during WW2 many SAS units wore the maroon ("red") beret of Airborne Forces (especially those operating in NW Europe after D-Day); the "sand" coloured beret tended to be worn by original SAS regts formed for operations in the Middle East ("The Desert War") and Mediterranean/ Aegean Theatres of Operations. Early versions even included an "off-white" beret - soon abandoned by the SAS, but then adopted by the Reconnaissance Corps. By the later stages of WW2 all SAS units were, administratively, part of "Airborne Forces", and, tended, therefore, to wear the "Red Beret" with SAS Regt badge - although many, especially members of "the Originals", wore the sand beret. Post WW2 the SAS Regt had a very tenuous existence: mostly disbanded in 1945, and only reactivated in the late 1940s/ early 1950s because of the growing demands of the Cold War. Initially, the SAS only survived as a Territorial Unit (21 SAS, "The Artists' Rifles"), and this became the core of the "Malayan Scouts" formed to conduct deep penetration operations during the Malayan Counter-Insurgency Campaign ("The Emergency), 1948-63. By the mid 1950s it was clear there was a need for a regular SAS Regt (established as 22 SAS - simply following on from 21), and once established as part of the British Army's permanent Order of Battle was able formally to adopt the sand coloured beret as its distinct head wear. NB The New Zealand SAS Regt retains the maroon beret of Airborne Forces; probably because it is the only fully airborne unit of a very small army.

Was Andy mcnab in the sas?

"Andy McNab" is the pseudonym of a real person who served in the British Army from the late 1970s to the mid 1990s, initially as an infantryman in the Royal Green Jackets (now subsumed into The Rifles), and then as a member of 22 SAS Regt.. His real name is now a matter of public record... easily found if the right searches are made.

Related questions

Were British SAS working with the Australian SAS in Vietnam?

i think a few british troops were 'accidentily' shiped to 'nam with the australian SAS but not in any great numbers.

Who has the best SAS in the world?

There are three SAS forces on the planet (Note SAS is different from Special Forces). The British, Australian and New Zealand SAS's. The British SAS is thought to be widely the best special forces in the world, although the Australian SAS has beaten the British on numerous training exercises. And the NZ's is not that incredible, just a small country's ordinary special forces unit.

Where does the sas patch go on British uniform?

I believe it's found on the uniform beret. See the Wiki for British SAS uniform.

Who trained the SAS?

The S.A.S formed themselves in WW2 in Britain.

Where does the Australian sas rank in special forces around the world?

It is the best after the british sas. Although this has never been proven.

Which is better SAS or navey seals?

The sas will own the navy seals so badly it will be in inbrassing for the USA and that won't happen because the sas is to good and the navy seals would just back of and leave it for the pros the British sas

What are the release dates for Special Forces Untold Stories - 2002 British SAS 1-2?

Special Forces Untold Stories - 2002 British SAS 1-2 was released on: USA: 2002

4 To the British Special Air Service SAS what is to beat the clock?

when a member of the sas is killed his name s added to the monumentle clock. so when a member of the sas leave the reg then they have beaten the clock.

What is a sas bodyguard?

An SAS bodyguard is a bodyguard who is serving or who has served in the British Special Air Service - the principle special forces of the British Army. The SAS are trained in close protection (Or in being a highly trained bodyguard). There is a crude video showing basic SAS bodyguard techniques -

Do you have to be British to join sas?

No. You have to meet the citizenship requirements of the british army which includes nationalities other than british (E.g Commonwealth nations)

Is sgtGary roach fron call of duty modern warfare 2 British?

yes because he has the same voice actor who does Ghost and he is in TF 141 that is mainly formed by British SAS Soldiers like Price, Soap, Ghost, Archer, Toad, Ozone and Scarecrow.

When was the SAS army constituted?

The SAS army, or Special Air Service, was constituted on the thirty-first of May in the year of 1950. They serve as a regiment of the British special forces.