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This depends on which Parliament House is meant.

The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building.

Construction of the first Parliament House in Canberra, which was only ever intended to be temporary, began in August 1923 and the building was officially opened on 9 May 1927.

Intended to be temporary, this building actually housed the Parliament until 1988. Construction of the New Parliament House began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

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On 9 May 1927, Parliament moved from its temporary quarters at the Melbourne Exhibition Building (the only building in either Sydney or Melbourne large enough to hold it) to the new national capital at Canberra, where it met in what is now called Old Parliament House.

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11y ago

This depends on which Parliament House is meant.

The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. However, as Melbourne was never the intended capital, Federal Parliament needed its own building, so Limestone Plains (the site of today's Canberra) was selected as the kication of the nation's capital.

Construction of the first Parliament House in Canberra, which was only ever intended to be temporary, began in August 1923 and the building was officially opened on 9 May 1927. Although intended to be temporary, this building actually housed the Parliament until 1988, when Parliament had well and truly outgrown Parliament House.

Construction of the New Parliament House began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

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Australia's Federal Parliament first met at the newly-built Parliament House in Canberra on 9 May 1927. This was after having sat in Melbourne's Exhibition Building since 1901.

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Australia's Federal Parliament first met at the newly-built Parliament House in Canberra on 9 May 1927.

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Q: When was the Australian Parliament House in Canberra built?
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How long has the parliament house been standing for?

The current Parliament House is located in Canberra, Australia. Construction for the building began in 1981 and ended in 1988. The old Parliament House was built in 1927.

When was the current parliament house in Canberra opened and why was it built?

The new Parliament House was built because Australia's original Parliament House was only ever intended to be a temporary residence for parliament. However, for a variety of reasons, it served as the Federal Parliament building for over 60 years, while it was originally intended to serve for a maximum of 50 years. There was always the intention to build a new Parliament House. Old Parliament House had exceeded its capacity by the 1970s. Construction of the New Parliament House in Canberra began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

Why was parliament held in Melbourne prior to Canberra being built?

At Federation, on 1 January 1901, Canberra did not exist as a city or even a town, and it was only surveyed in 1913. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met on 9 May 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne. This was because it was the only building in any Australian city that was large enough to house the entire Australian parliament. From 1901 to 1927, Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which also sat in the Exhibition Building.

Who built the old parliament house?

John Smith Murdoch was the chief architect of Commonwealth Australia in 1919. He was accountable for designing many early Canberra buildings the most well known being the Provisional Parliament House.

Who built Parliament house of India?

Parliament house built by sir edward lutyens

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Why was the parliament house built in Canberra?

the Parliament house was built in canberra because in each state theres supposed to be one

Where was the new Parliament house built?

New Parliament House was built on Capital Hill in Canberra, Australia.

Who built the Parliament house in Canberra?

mitchell giurgolait was designed by Mitchell Giurgola

What is the capital of Australia in 2009?

Canberra, as it has always been.Australia has only ever had one capital. However, Melbourne was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built. Canberra as it has been since 1913.

How long has the parliament house been standing for?

The current Parliament House is located in Canberra, Australia. Construction for the building began in 1981 and ended in 1988. The old Parliament House was built in 1927.

When was the current parliament house in Canberra opened and why was it built?

The new Parliament House was built because Australia's original Parliament House was only ever intended to be a temporary residence for parliament. However, for a variety of reasons, it served as the Federal Parliament building for over 60 years, while it was originally intended to serve for a maximum of 50 years. There was always the intention to build a new Parliament House. Old Parliament House had exceeded its capacity by the 1970s. Construction of the New Parliament House in Canberra began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

When new parliament house was built?

Construction of the New Parliament House in Canberra began in 1981, and the House was finally opened by Queen Elizabeth II on 9 May 1988, the anniversary of the opening of both the first Federal Parliament in Melbourne (9 May 1901), and of the Provisional Parliament House in Canberra (9 May 1927).

Why was parliament held in Melbourne prior to Canberra being built?

At Federation, on 1 January 1901, Canberra did not exist as a city or even a town, and it was only surveyed in 1913. The first Australian Parliament following Federation of the states met on 9 May 1901 in the Royal Exhibition Building, Melbourne. This was because it was the only building in any Australian city that was large enough to house the entire Australian parliament. From 1901 to 1927, Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which also sat in the Exhibition Building.

Why was Parliament house built?

Parliament House was built to serve as the meeting place for the Australian Parliament, where Members of Parliament gather to debate and make decisions on national issues. The building was specifically designed to accommodate the functions of the Parliament, including housing the Senate and House of Representatives chambers.

Why did Australia's capital change?

Australia's capital never changed. There was no capital when the colonies federated to form the states of the Commonwealth of Australia in 1901. It was several years before the site for Canberra was selected, and the foundations were not dug until 1913.Melbourne was the temporary seat of power in Australia - a fine line of difference. From 1901 to 1927, the Australian Parliament met in Parliament House, Melbourne, which it borrowed from the parliament of the state of Victoria, which in turn sat in the Exhibition Building. This had to occur whilst the city of Canberra and Parliament House was being built.

What is the city of the Australian Capital Territory?

Canberra is the city in the Australian Capital Territory, and it is the Federal capital of Australia. The Australian Capital Territory was created specifically for the city of Canberra to be built there.

Who built the old parliament house?

John Smith Murdoch was the chief architect of Commonwealth Australia in 1919. He was accountable for designing many early Canberra buildings the most well known being the Provisional Parliament House.