pink has been around since the dawn of time. It was man who first said, "I like pink" follwed by some not so manly men wearing it.
Eberhardt Farber
I dont know but personally i think pink is ugly. Sorry if its not the answer you want but i have to say blue black red and purple are all awesome colors!!!!
The origin is uncertain, but in the 1500's a garden plant emerged, a member of the Dianthus family, coloured pink and various other colours. The name and colour may derive from this plant.
I don't believe colored fabrics or dyes were invented back during early civilizations. So, no. I don't think men would wear pink during when in Ancient Greece.
Pink plastic flamingos are one of the most famous of lawn ornaments ever invented with more than 250,000 sold each year. Who invented the popular yard decoration in 1957 for the Union Products Company?
Pink was invented as a result of blending a white pigment with a red pigment. No one knows the true originator of pink.
Who invented the pink pears Eraser? I think it was Joseph Priestley but I'm not sure.
It was invented in June 2006.
Ashely did...
Don Featherstone
Red with a hint of white
Eberhardt Farber
All of them.......except for pink, Tom Cruis invented pink.
well according to the story it is 150 years old. Actually it is not mention at the story who invented the pink palace.i think different eras has live there:00)
It's because when the guy who invented bubble gum invented bubble gum, the only color he had was pink. And ever since then, no one thought to change it. Depending on the type of gum that you buy, the gum can be pink. The reason for this is that the company that manufactures the gum puts pink food coloring into it.