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John Cabot started Voyage at 1497 in may and ended when One of the ships was caught in a storm and docks in Ireland. The rest of the fleet continues the voyage, but it is not certain if they arrive at their destination or return to England.

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Q: When was john cabots third voyage?
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What was the purpose for john cabots voyage to Canada?

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How was John Cabots voyage?

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What was the importance of john cabots voyage in 1497?

I don't know sorry

What was John Cabots reason to do his voyage?

He wanted to chart and navigate a section of the Northwest passege.

What happened on john cabots second voyage?

A shark came by its boat and came aboard and punched john cabot in the face

What was john cabots goal for his second voyage?

John cabot's second voyage was special because he discovered a new land which he called NewFoundland and also one of the best fishing grounds in the world

John Cabots accomplishment?

John Cabots's Accomplishment was That he was the first to see the Vikings.

What was john cabots decisions made?

his decision was made a few days after his first voyage. he also had questions for himself. His decisions were final after his last voyage never did change this decision but he put it in the declaration of independence.

How do you describe john cabots crew?

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Where did John Cabot go in his third voyage?

in the bin

What was John cabots impact of John cabots exploration?

He Found the Newfound Land I dont think that that /\ answer is correct | |

What was jhon cabots real name?

Giovanni caboto was john cabots Italian name