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No, a dictator could not just take power. He had to be appointed by the senate before he could assume power. The position of dictator was a legitimate office under the Roman Republic and was only granted by the senate.

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12y ago
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9y ago

The term dictator had a different meaning to the Romans. During the period of the Roman Republic, a dictator was an extraordinary executive officer of state with extraordinary powers who was appointed by the consuls (the heads of the Republic and the army) and was given a very specific mandate by a senatorial decree at times of emergency. His term of office was six months. His mandate was usually to lead the army when there was need to have a sole commander (usually the army was led by the two consuls) or to have man with better military leadership skills in charge of the army. This kind of appointment was made primarily in the Early Republic, when Rome was continually attacked by her neighboursDuring the emergency of the Second Punic War, Quintus Fabius Maximus was appointed dictator to face Hannibal's invasion of Italy. Several times a dictator was appointed to preside over an election of other executive officers of state and one dictator was appointed to put down a rebellion. Apart from Sulla and Caesar (see below) no dictator used his extraordinary powers to overrule the ordinary institutions of the Roman Republic.

During the 482 years of the Roman Republic a dictator was appointed 88 times. Since some men were appointed as dictators name than once, in total 75 men were appointed as dictators. Apart from two men, all dictators resigned either before the six months were up, when their job specified in their mandate was done, or within the six months. The only two exceptions were Lucius Cornelius Sulla and Julius Caesar. Sulla was appointed for and indeterminate term of office in 81 BC to reform the Roman constitution. During this Dictatorship he had several thousands of his political opponents executed or murdered. This had been unprecedented and gave the dictatorship a bad name. Caesar used the power he gained when he won his civil war to have himself appointed dictator four times. The first time he was dictator in order to preside over his own election as consul and resigned after 17 days (49 BC). The second time he was appointed dictator for one year (48 B) the third for ten years (46 BC) and the fourth for life (44 BC).

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13y ago

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

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12y ago

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

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13y ago

The Romans never elected a dictator. A dictator was appointed by the senate only in times of extreme crisis. A dictator's authority usually lasted no more than five years and many of the Roman dictators layed down their powers as soon as the crisis was over. Julius Caesar was the only one who hung on to the power until he died.

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12y ago

A dictator would be appointed when there was a serious problem or crisis and the senate and consuls could not agree on how to resolve the issue. The dictator was appointed for a term of six months which could be renewed if he needed more time for success.

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8y ago

The policy of choosing a dictator to fight a Roman war was first seen in the very early days of Rome's growth in Italy. The idea was to have the military fight with one leader and avoid conflicts among the top people. Dictators, were appointed for a year, then the situation was reviewed. ancient Rome despised dictators, but saw it as a necessity in times of war.

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14y ago

The dictator was only in charge in time of emergencies

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13y ago

A dictator was only appointed in the republic during a time of emergency when the consuls and the senate could not agree upon a solution.

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13y ago

The senate, by consensus, selected the dictators in the Roman republic.

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Q: When was a dictator chosen to rule in the Roman Republic?
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How long was a dictator supposed to rule?

During the period of the Roman Republic the term of office of a dictator was six months. The dictatorships of Sulla and Caesar were exceptions. In the subsequent period of rule by emperors this office no longer existed

What is a dictarial ruler?

A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power and wields it in an oppressive manner. A state of which is ruled by a dictator is called a dictatorship. The word originated as the title of a magistrate in the Roman Republic appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency.

When did Julius Caesar rule?

He ruled the Roman Empire as a dictator from 49BC to 44BC.

Who were the people responsible for the government of the roman republic?

All the elected and sometimes appointed officials were responsible for the governing of the republic. Each political office carried its own responsibilities and the entire workings of the government were overseen by the consuls.The Romans themselves were responsible for the government during the republic. It was SPQR. The Senate and the Roman People. The people elected their officials and the senate debated and proposed laws.

When did roman republic become a dictatorship?

The Roman Republic never became a dictatorship. The republic fell and was replaced by 503 year of rule by emperors which was established by Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, in 27 BC. The emperors were absolute rulers. Julius Caesar had himself appointed dictator for life in 44 BC. However, the term dictator was very different in Roman times. The dictator was an extraordinary officer of state with extraordinary powers who was appointed by senatorial decree to deal with emergencies. Therefore, Caesar's appointment did not amount to dictatorship was we understand it nowadays. What was different about Caesar's appointment was that it was as Dictator for Life, a position that no other Roman dictator had ever been offered, it implies a change in the timbre of the office. It was unusual and threatening enough to one group of Senators that it led to Caesar's assassination.

Related questions

How long was a dictator supposed to rule?

During the period of the Roman Republic the term of office of a dictator was six months. The dictatorships of Sulla and Caesar were exceptions. In the subsequent period of rule by emperors this office no longer existed

What was unusual about the office of roman dictator?

The Roman office of dictator was unusual by the fact that it was a delegation of supreme power to one man. The reason that the Romans established the republic in the first place was to avoid rule by a single person and the appointment of a dictator seemed to contradict this principle.

What is a dictarial ruler?

A dictator is a political leader who possesses absolute power and wields it in an oppressive manner. A state of which is ruled by a dictator is called a dictatorship. The word originated as the title of a magistrate in the Roman Republic appointed by the Senate to rule the republic in times of emergency.

When did Julius Caesar rule?

He ruled the Roman Empire as a dictator from 49BC to 44BC.

Who were the people responsible for the government of the roman republic?

All the elected and sometimes appointed officials were responsible for the governing of the republic. Each political office carried its own responsibilities and the entire workings of the government were overseen by the consuls.The Romans themselves were responsible for the government during the republic. It was SPQR. The Senate and the Roman People. The people elected their officials and the senate debated and proposed laws.

When did roman republic become a dictatorship?

The Roman Republic never became a dictatorship. The republic fell and was replaced by 503 year of rule by emperors which was established by Augustus, the first Roman Emperor, in 27 BC. The emperors were absolute rulers. Julius Caesar had himself appointed dictator for life in 44 BC. However, the term dictator was very different in Roman times. The dictator was an extraordinary officer of state with extraordinary powers who was appointed by senatorial decree to deal with emergencies. Therefore, Caesar's appointment did not amount to dictatorship was we understand it nowadays. What was different about Caesar's appointment was that it was as Dictator for Life, a position that no other Roman dictator had ever been offered, it implies a change in the timbre of the office. It was unusual and threatening enough to one group of Senators that it led to Caesar's assassination.

What government arose after the fall of roman republic?

The Roman Republic was followed by 503 years of rule by emperors.

What would cause a senate to choose a dictator?

if the consuls could not decide on a matter then the dictator would be chosen and would rule for a short period of time

How long did Trujillo rule?

trujillo is a dictator , who ran dominican republic for over 30 years .

How long did the roman republic rule for?

The Roman Republic lasted 482 years, from 509 BC to 27 BC.

Did Julius Caesar rule the Roman Republic?


Did Julius Caesar live in medieval times?

No, Julius Caesar lived in the Roman republic era. He was a great general for the Romans and eventually became dictator of Rome. The Senate appointed him to rule for ten years.