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It split into two parts-Moderates and Extremists in 1907 at Surat session of INC

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Q: When was Indian national congress split up?
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What where the important Resolutions of second sessions of Indian national congress?

The Congress decided to set up Provincial Congress Committees across the country.

Which organization was established in 1944 to stand up against the US government's anti-American Indian policies?

The National Congress of American Indians (Apex)

Who are the national lawmakers?

The members of Congress are the national lawmakers. Congress is made up of the Senate and House of Representatives.

What is the Hindu Indian national congress about?

The Indian National Congress was a movement started in 1885 by a Britain in India called A.O Hume, not be confused with the philosopher! This congress ranged from the moderate to the radical and after World War One was led by the likes of Gandhi and Nehru. The reason you might be confusing it with being called the 'hindu national congress' is simply because it was biased towards Hindus. Gandhi would not let Muslims join the congress.In contrast, the Muslim radical Jinnah set up the Muslim League to gain fair representation for the minority Muslims. This eventually led to the creation of Pakistan.

Who runned the legislative branch?

who run the legislative branch Congress runs the Legislative branch, and congress is split up in to two groups, the Senate and House of Representatives.

Why did congress establish the nuclear regulatory commission?

NRC and DOE are the 2 agencies formed when congress split up AEC for possible internal conflicts of interest.

When did the Revolution in India end?

India was under the British Rule before 15th.August,1947. The country attained independance through a prolonged freedom movement launched by the Indian National Congress under the leadership of Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi, popularly known as Mahatma(great soul). The armed actions taken up by the freedom fighters of Bengal and Panjab, the struggle between the Indian National Army organised by Mr. Subhas Chandra Bose taking active help from Japan and Germany, the uprising of the USSR, the change of world brought about as aftermath of WW2- all these factors compelled the British to quit India. But, the country was divided in two parts, the Indian Republic and the Pakistan on religious ground. So, the freedom the country offered was a split freedom.

What is the Nickname of sarojini Naidu?

Sarojini Naidu was a freedom fighter and poet and has the unique distinction of becoming the 1st Indian Woman to be elected as a President of the Indian National Congress and also to become the 1st Woman to hold a Gubernatorial post (Governor of UP) in Independent India.She was popularly known by the sobriquet "Nightangle of India".

What organization did Nelson Mandela involved with?

The Nelson Mandela Organization The Nelson Mandela Children's Fund The Mandela-Rhodes Fund There are many more just look it up online or on his website to get more details

Why is Congress made up of two parts the Senate and the House of Representatives?

The congress is most likely made up of 2 parts to separate the duties of making the national laws. For example, the 435 members of the house of representatives could be like a counsel and come up with the ideas about the national laws they should make and the Senators, which there are 2 from each state, could be the ones passing on the OK to approve these national laws. This is why I think the congress is made up of two parts.

What is the main legislative body called in the US?

theres the house of representitves and the congress together they make up the legislave branch of government

Why does Gandhi ask jinnah to be India's first prime minister?

Gandhi proposed Jinnah as first prime minister of independent India just to avoid partition of India in the name of religion. He tried to convince Jinnah so that he could give up his aspirations for a separate state for Indian Muslims. But the proposal was rejected by congress itself! The standoff between Muslim League and Indian National Congress prolonged until both sides agreed for partition.