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Haitian gourde was created in 1813.

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What is the currencey for Haiti?

The Haitian gourde.

What is haiti's exchange rate?

1 USD = 90.23 Haitian Gourde

What is the currency of hispaniola?

The currency of Hispaniola is the Dominican Peso in the Dominican Republic and the Haitian Gourde in Haiti.

Would you need to change your money to a different currency in Haiti?

Yes. You must convert your currency into Haitian gourde

When was Haitian - Heroes - created?

Haitian - Heroes - was created in 2006.

When was The Haitian Project created?

The Haitian Project was created in 1987.

What is a centime?

1/100 of 1 Franc as was used in Belgium or France for example also in Cambodia or Congo Free State or Monaco or Tunisia though except in Haiti where 100 centimes = 1 gourde

When was Haitian Workers Party created?

Haitian Workers Party was created in 1966.

When was Haitian Communist Party created?

Haitian Communist Party was created in 1934.

When was Haitian Creole Wikipedia created?

Haitian Creole Wikipedia was created in 2004.

When was Haitian National Police created?

Haitian National Police was created in 1995.

When was Gaston Gourde born?

Gaston Gourde was born in 1950.