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Committee of Public Safety was created in 1793.

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โˆ™ 10y ago
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โˆ™ 10y ago

Committee of Public Safety ended in 1795.

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Q: When was Committee of Public Safety created?
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What committee was a part of the Reign of Terror?

The Committee of Public Safety.

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Why was there a committee of public safety in France?

To keep the public safe.

Creation of committee of public safety?

The Committee of Public Safety was started by Robespierre and revolutionary leaders in an effort to overthrow the government and retain national security. The Committee gained 14 armies and got many provisions. What is ironic is that the Committee of Public Safety, under Robespierre's now dictatorship, started the "Reign of Terror" where all anti-revolutionaries were killed by the guillotine. So the Committee of Public Safety, in turn, killed over 20,000 people.

What was Robespierre in charge of?

The Committee of Public Safety.

What dominated the Committee of Public Safety?

The Jacobins.

What was the committee of safety?

The Massachusetts committee of safety was created to protect the thirteen colonies from any foreign invasion. It was a committee created by the leaders of the thirteen colonies.

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Committee on Standards in Public Life was created in 1994.

What was the Massachusetts committee of safety?

The Massachusetts committee of safety was created to protect the thirteen colonies from any foreign invasion. It was a committee created by the leaders of the thirteen colonies.

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Who was the leader of the public committee of safety?

Maximilien Robespierre.

Who was the head of the committee for public safety?

Maximilien Robespierre