

When was Antonines emperor?

Updated: 10/24/2023
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7y ago

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The word "Antonines" refers to a dynasty of Roman emperors which commenced with the reign of Antoninus Pius (r. 138-161 A.D.) and included those of Marcus Aurelius (r. 161-180 A.D.), Lucius Verus (r. 161-169 A.D.), and Commodus (r. 177-192 A.D.).

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8mo ago

The Antonine emperors were a dynasty that ruled over the Roman Empire from 96 AD to 192 AD. The dynasty was initiated by Emperor Nerva and continued with the reigns of Trajan, Hadrian, Antoninus Pius, and Marcus Aurelius. Marcus Aurelius was the last emperor of the Antonine dynasty, ruling from 161 AD to 180 AD.

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Who split the roman empire in half then retired to garden?

It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.

Who ruled Rome after Emperor Vespasain?

The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.

Who ruled in Rome after emperor Vespasian?

After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.

What emperor divided rome in half?

Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.

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Who split the roman empire in half then retired to garden?

It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.It was the emperor Diocletian.

Who ruled Rome after Emperor Vespasain?

The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.The emperor Vespasian was followed by his son the emperor Titus.

Who was the Roman Emperor in AD97?

Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.Nerva was the emperor in 97.

Who ruled in Rome after emperor Vespasian?

After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.After emperor Vespasian, Rome was ruled by his son, the emperor Titus.

What emperor divided rome in half?

Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.Diocletian was the emperor who divided the empire.

What was the name of the emperor that Caligula succeeded?

Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.Caligula succeeded the emperor Tiberius.

Who is the emperor before Hadrian?

Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.Trajan was the emperor before Hadrian.

Who was the emperor after Vespasian?

Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.Titus was the emperor after his father, Vespasian.

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Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.Tiberius was the emperor after Augustus died.