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Q: When was America conquered by the British Empire?
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Who conquered the English Empire?

The English Empire (and subsequent British Empire) were never successfully conquered since the country's inception.

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Assyria conquered Israel, then Babylon conquered Assyria and Judah, then Persia conquered Babylon, then the Seuclid Empire conquered Judah, then the Judeans revolted, then Rome conquered Judah, then the Islamic Caliphate conquered the Byzantine Empire (the remains of the Roman Empire). The Ottoman Empire conquered Judah from the Cusaders who had conquered it from its Islamic rulers. Then the British Empire took it from the Ottomans.

Who conquered Inca?

The Inca Empire was the largest empire in pre-Columbian America from Peru from 1438 to 1533. The Inca was conquered in 1572 by the Spanish.

What happened first the Spanish conquered the Aztec empire in Mexico or the Spanish conquered the Inca empire in South America?

Who was the leader of the Spanish army that conquered the Inca Empire? Francisco Pizarro in 1535 Who conquered the Aztec empire? Herman Cortes conquered the Aztecs in 1519.

When did the Romans conquer the British empire?

The Romans never conquered the British empire. The British empire began roughly 1,600 years after Rome fell. Rome annexed the province of Britannia into its empire in 43 AD.

Why did countries join the British empire?

Most of them had no choice because they were conquered militarily.

Why did Bermuda become part of the british empire?

In reality, Bermuda did not actually choose to join the British Empire. They islands were forced to join or be conquered.

When did America be part of the British empire?

The USA has never been part of the British Empire.

Which empire once controlled America India and Australia?

The British Empire once controlled North America, India and Australia. Many other nations were also part of the British Empire.

Where did the british empire control an entire continent?

north America The British Empire controlled an entire continent in Australia. The British Empire was the largest empire in history.

Which Spanish conqueror is not accurately matched with the area he explored or conquered?

Hernan Cortes is not accurately matched with the area he explored or conquered. Under the command of Cortes, the Aztec Empire in Mexico was conquered, not the Inca Empire in South America. That was conquered by Francisco Pizarro.

What did pizzaro achieve?

Fransisco Pizarro claimed the majority of South America for Spain. He conquered the Incan Empire in doing so