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He was never elected either Chancellor or President of Germany, but he did win a majority of seats in several elections, including the most important one in 1933.

He was appointed Chancellor in January 1933 from Paul von Hindenburg, the president, who was under great pressure, and who actually despised him.

As the undisputed leader of his party he was then able to first pass the enabling act which made him effectively dictator, then ban all other parties, then after Hindenburg's death merge the offices of President and Chancellor into one office,

"Führer und Reichskanzler".

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βˆ™ 11y ago
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βˆ™ 9y ago

He wasn't elected he was Appointed, however there were many other factors that lead up to him being appointed. But he was appointed in January 1933


Actually, BlueCharma, Hitler was elected not only Chancellor of Germany, but before Paul Von Hindenburg died, he told Hitler that he should be President of Germany. Hitler made himself Fuhrer, and you didnt have to be THE FUHRER to be in power of Germany. -Frusciantefreak Hitler was never elected to power. This is the first and by far, the most important point that needs to be made. The most important issue raised by this question is not how he rose to power, but why do so many Americans believe he was elected by popular vote in the first place? This belief is a terrible fallacy which fundamentally distorts our entire thinking about Hitler and Germany. Original answer follows.


Hitler became Führer (Supreme Leader) on August 2, 1934: he'd been Chancellor of Germany since January 30, 1933. Very technically, Hitler was never actually elected, but he did take power legally under the laws of the then-Weimar Republic, which he almost immediately abolished. Until Hitler was appointed Chancellor, the Nazis never held an actual majority in the government and the parliament.

Hitler was appointed Chancellor under President Paul von Hindenburg on January 30, 1933, as part of a coalition government originally intended to hold the wobbly democracy together, but Hitler wanted no democracy and engineered things so that President Hindenburg was forced to dissolve parliament and hold new elections. Using violence and anti-Communist hysteria to their advantage, on election day, March 6, 1933, the Nazis increased their result to 44% of the vote, making them the largest party in Germany, but still not giving them an absolute majority. Nevertheless, continuing to use violence or the threat of it, plus clever political subterfuge, Hitler consolidated his power in the parliament until he had successfully, and apparently legally, suppressed all the other political parties.

When Hindenburg died on August 2, 1934, Hitler's cabinet passed a law transferring the power of the presidency to Hitler as both Chancellor and Führer (Leader). In mid-August a plebiscite was held, and 85% of the people voted to sustain Hitler as supreme leader of the state, people and military. Hitler could no longer be legally challenged. But he hadn't been elected per se: he'd been appointed Chancellor, then usurped the power of the presidency, and was approved in place by that 85% vote, but the fact remains (and the German voters living at the time must bear the responsibility) 85% voted to follow Hitler to their eventual Götterdamerung.


This answer is quite true and extremely accurate. I would like to thank the writer for posting this.

To people who think otherwise: Many theorys of this answer consist of earlier years of controled power of Deutschland(Germany). Most people think that Adolf Hitler was in power of Germany from 1921-1945, which is untrue. Hitler created and founded the National Socialist Workers' Party(better known as the Nazi's) in 1921. This was a group not politically created by the Wiemar Republik, which meant that Hitler was not in control. Then when Hitler was appointed Chancellor of Germany in 1933, he was still politically below Paul Von Hindenburg. Then on August 2, 1934 (the day President Hindenburg passed away) Hitler proclaimed himself all time ruler, leader, and president of Germany (Fuhrer). So Hitler, officially, was ruler of Germany from 1934-1945.

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βˆ™ 16y ago

Hitler was appointed Chancellor on 30 January 1933.

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Adolf Hitler was appointed Chancellor on Jan. 30,1933.

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βˆ™ 15y ago

January 1933

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βˆ™ 14y ago

he was elected in 1933

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βˆ™ 14y ago


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