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Agriculture profoundly affected the diet, health and societal structure of humans. While hunter-gatherers ate about 150 species of plants, once corn was domesticated, 75 percent of North Americans' diet was corn based within a few hundred years.

What used to be [hunting-related] threats from without were now threats from within, referring to the transition from hunting-related, trauma-induced deaths in hunter-gatherer society to deaths due to infection and poor diet in Neolithic society (and still today).

The change in diet also affected the mentality of ancient people. People in hunter-gatherer societies told stories of their ancestors and had time to be creative at the end of the day. This free time was slowly eroded during the age of domestication and now we're experiencing an "age of anxiety."

By Spencer Wells, an explorer-in-residence at the National Geographic Society

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Q: When the first people started farming what changed?
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