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As early as 1550 the Spanish brought slaves to Mexico . It is estimated that 12 million people were enslaved and were part of the early economics of the New Worlds.

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Q: When the first captive African workers were brought to the New World in 1619 where were they taken?
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When did the first captive African laborors arrive in the new world?


When did the first captive African laborers arrive in the New World?

As early as 1550 the Spanish brought slaves to Mexico . It is estimated that 12 million people were enslaved and were part of the early economics of the New Worlds.

Who were the people brought to the new world in 1619 to be sold to settlers?

It was African slaves who were brought to the New World in 1619 to be sold to settlers. Specifically, they were brought to Jamestown, which was an English settlement in Virginia.

Who were the two groups of people brought to the new world for free?

servants and African slaves.

Which program brought 4 million workers from Mexico to America from World War 2?

The Bracero Program .

What was the main reason the African slaves were brought to the new world?

To help the pioneers do work (for slavery).

Who was the European power that brought more African slaves to the new world than any other?


How did Samba get popular in the world?

African slaves came over to Brazil in the 19th century and brought samba music with them.

Why did the African slaves move to American?

they were sold by the kings and queens of Africa and then brought all over the world as slaves

World War 2 brought a mass migration of African Americans from farms in the South to?

cities in the North and West

When were African slaves first forcibly brought to the New World?

The first slave arrived in 1609.

Who was the spanish monk that suggested that African slaves be brought to the new world to the new world to solve labor shortage?

Bartolome de las casas