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In 16 July 1945. (The nuclear test was called Trinity)

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13y ago

think of how hot an atomic bomb is and how glass is made with fire & sand and that is how sand turned into glass.

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Q: When the atom bomb exploded in New Mexico did it turned sand into glass?
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What Asian nation exploded first its atom bomb in 1964?


Was it possible to survive the atom bomb that was dropped in world war 2?

depends on how far away you are from where it exploded.

Can heat of an Atom bomb melt glass half a mile away?

Yes, it can as the heat of the atomic bomb is at about 60 degrees throughout a mile.

Who is the made the first atom bomb?

The USA created the first atomic bomb in New Mexico in the closing stages of World War Two. They used it to defeat Japan.

What was the name of the first atom bomb?

Finished on 14 July 1945 at the top secret research in Los Alamos, New Mexico. Tested on 16 July 1945 at Alamagordo on Trinity Project in New Mexico Desert. P.S.: I'm an Indonesian. So I'm sorry if the prepositions we're misplaced

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How was the big bang made?

scientifically, an atom hit another atom and then they exploded- This is how I am typing now ;)

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Asian nation that exploded its first atom bomb in 1964?


What Asian nation exploded first its atom bomb in 1964?


Was it possible to survive the atom bomb that was dropped in world war 2?

depends on how far away you are from where it exploded.

How is the speed of light in glass affected by the succession of time delays that accompany the absorption and re emission of light from atom to atom in the glass?

bro, just do your physics homework

Why was the atom bomb so powerful compared to the ones used before in World War 2?

The explosive yield of all three bombs exploded during WWII, one at Hiroshima, one at Nagasaki and one at Trinity Site in New Mexico were all within the estimated paramaters.

How did Ryan Shafer get his facial scars?

An atom bomb exploded in Alamagordo, NM in the 60's and caused his face to permanetly break out.

When was Atom Gorelick born?

Atom Gorelick was born on October 24, 1983, in Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA.

What was the atom bomb and what did it do?

The atom bomb is a bomb using uranium and/or plutonium as fuel and when dropped, exploded in mid-air to cause more damage than if exploded on contact with the ground. Anyone caught directly in the explosion would be incinerated instantly, others further out were killed by blast effects, or had their skin boiled off on the side facing the burst. The two atom bombs killed about 250,000 people in Japan. Those killed were people living in Hiroshima and Nagasaki.

Where were war weapons tested at?

The atom bombs were tested in New Mexico.

Where was the atom bomb invetented?

Los Alamos, New Mexico, USA.