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Q: When the ancient Romans were known for amazing development in the science of building railroad building roads and aqueducts building pyramids developing navigation systems?
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Did the Egyptians began the development of sanitary systems by building sewers and aqueducts?

No the Romans used the knowledge from the Greeks and began the development of sanitary systems.

What do these aqueducts tell you about the Romans skill of building?

Please specify which aqueducts you are referring to.

What country was famous for building aqueducts?

The Romans built many aqueducts and many parts of them can still be seen.

What three architectural styles did the Roman use most often?

building roads, building aqueducts, and building arches

What are some accomplishments of the roman empire?

building aqueducts and road systems

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Property development companies specialize in finding the best locations, building and developing properties on raw land, sourcing funds and marketing and selling properties.

What was the technology in ancient Greece?

weapons, aqueducts, building, and even seeing devises

What do aqueducts tell you about the Romans skill at building?

Parts of the aqueducts were placed on arched bridgework. Some of these bridges were very high and had two or three tiers of arches.

What do these aqueducts tell you about the Romans building skills?

Parts of the aqueducts were placed on arched bridgework. Some of these bridges were very high and had two or three tiers of arches.

How did the Romans preserve building materials when building aqueducts?

The Romans were great engineers and invented cement. The cement that they used was water proof so they could use it underwater and in fountains or aqueducts. The engineering of the aqueducts included cisterns and tunnels through and in mountains or rock. Many of these still exist. some of the aqueducts outside Rome are still standing and the aqueducts of Merida and Segovia are well preserved. One of the aqueducts of Rome, the Aqua Virgo is still working. Much of the Roman building materials have lasted through time but much has been destroyed by the ravages of war, theft the use of materials for rebuilding after the fall of the Roman Empire.

Who were famous for building aqueducts?

The Romans, to establish a clean reliable water supply for the city.

What were some things that Augustus built?

Augustus built roads aqueducts and many building